
Optimizing Supply Chain and Customer Experience with Data-Driven Insights

We optimized operations for a leading artificial Christmas tree retailer by implementing real-time supply chain orchestration and a cloud-based data foundation. MuleSoft integration streamlined data exchange while improving business rules and enhancing historical data access. This resulted in lower logistics costs, reduced excess inventory, smoother production, increased customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.


Gen AI-Powered Automation in Transforming RPA Challenges into Opportunities

The integration of RPA and Support Optimization Bot revolutionized document management for the world's second-largest wine and spirits seller. By automating the handling of faulty RPA jobs and utilizing generative AI for data analysis and issue categorization, the process became significantly more efficient. Unresolved issues automatically triggered ticket generation in Salesforce, allowing the expert RPA team to promptly intervene, leading to swift resolutions and improved overall efficiency in managing RPA challenges.


Driving Efficiency & Ensuring Customer Satisfaction: Achieving Success with POS Solution Implementation

The new POS system revolutionized restaurant operations by resolving manual order management and outdated menu issues. The revamped UI/UX enhanced functionality and user experience. The integrated Back of House (BOH) app streamlined inventory, order tracking, and reservations. The upcoming Front of House (FOH) app would offer an intuitive digital menu for direct table ordering and self-service kiosks. Integration between BOH and FOH ensured accurate order processing and efficient fulfillment.


Transforming Order Management: Migration to OLO for Enhanced Performance

We assisted in migrating the legacy Level Up platform to OLO with a greenfield solution. Our team developed a secure microservices orchestration layer for seamless API integration, a React Native mobile app, and a ReactJS group ordering platform. Automated CI/CD pipelines using AWS services optimized development and deployment, enhancing performance and driving revenue growth while elevating customer satisfaction and strengthening the client’s market position.

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